About your collaboration of schools/partners: please answer all questions

    Gaining a clear picture...

    In order that we can gain a clearer picture of the research or innovation you are planning please write an outline covering the following points. It is important that you do not exceed 2,000 words overall. It may be easier for you to use a mixture of brief descriptive text and bullet points. It would be helpful if you could cover the following points:

    8. Please confirm that you understand the principles below and that they will be reflected in your research practice

    • research should aim to maximise benefit for individuals and society and minimise risk and harm

    • the rights and dignity of individuals and groups should be respected

    • wherever possible, participation should be voluntary and appropriately informed

    • research should be conducted with integrity and transparency

    • lines of responsibility and accountability should be clearly defined

    • independence of research should be maintained and where conflicts of interest cannot be avoided they should be made explicit

    Money matters

    Please confirm that the proposed lead school has talked to Board of Governors/Board of Trustees about their intention to submit an application to The Laurel Trust

    Important Steps

    • Submit your on-line application before 5pm on Friday 28th February 2025. Please also email a copy to our Consultant Director, Derrick Brett: brett.associates@outlook.com
    • Once you have completed your Application Form please go to our Data Protection Page and the Permission to Contact Form and complete and submit both. This is an extremely important step as we cannot process your application or contact you without the completed permission.
    • Please post a completed hard copy of your application signed by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors/Trustees to:
      Derrick Brett, Consultant Director
      The Laurel Trust c/o Stone King LLP
      Boundary House
      91 Charterhouse Street
      EC1M 6HR
    • It is important that you do not just apply online but keep an additional copy of your application for future reference.

    What Next?

    When your application is received it is anonymised and the Trustees' Selection Panel make their judgements and decisions based on how your collaboration meet the criteria set, the quality of your submission and the impact your research or innovation is likely to have.

    You will be contacted about result of your application before the end of March 2025.

    If the Trustees wish to take your application further you will be invited to a Zoom discussion in April 2025. The meeting will be with a small panel of Trustees so that they can gain a fuller picture of your intended research, your partners and the nature of the collaboration and raise any points for clarification. Successful applicants will be advised of the outcomes so that they can begin their presentation research in the Summer term.

    It is anticipated that this cycle of research would be completed and a report submitted by 31st January 2027.

    The final grant award is dependent upon you completing an action plan, timeline and indicative budget and submitting this to the Board of Trustees at the start of your research.

    In addition, the Lead School will be asked to sign our partnership agreement with The Laurel Trust which sets out the terms of our contract with you.