- The Laurel Trust: Safeguarding Children Policy
- The Laurel Trust: Safeguarding Procedures
- The Laurel Trust: Code of Conduct for Trustees
- The Laurel Trust: Code of Behaviour for consultants and beneficiaries
- The Laurel Trust: Policy statement on photography and filming
- The Laurel Trust: Acceptable use statement
- The Laurel Trust: School visit guide
- The Laurel Trust: Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion commitment
NSPCC: Key provisions introduced in Working together to safeguard children 2023
We endorse the five NCVO statements that encourage people to speak up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_I0loz0yh8
- We must all stand up for people who can’t speak up for themselves.
- Speaking up if you’re worried someone is harming or abusing someone else is always the right thing to do.
- People are often worried that if they report someone for doing wrong, they’ll hurt that person. But doing nothing could hurt others even more.
- There are many reasons why people might feel uncomfortable or be scared to report suspicions of abuse. That’s ok. It’s worth fighting those fears so you can help someone.
- If you speak up The Laurel Trust will protect you and make sure you’re not harmed or criticised for it.
If you’re not comfortable with how The Laurel Trust has responded to the issues you have raised, contact the NSPCC Whistleblowing Advice Line to discuss your concerns: 0800 028 0285